As you can see the face is now taking shape, a few more layers to go to get the definition and form I want to achieve, then its onto the grass which is my biggest fear, I always have probs getting it to look like real grass
Slowly getting there! progress is slow as I have to apply a number of layers to achieve the desired skin effect, this I am doing section by section before I move on as I dont want to be working on top of completed areas, even though I use a paper hand guard, I Hope to post more tomorrow, all comments welcome.
It looks like little progress has been made, but I know that this drawing is going to take around 50 hours to complete, this is due to the fact that to achieve the correct skin tone on this Rhino, I need to lay day a number of layers using 2h, hb & 2b graphite, and then more layers to achieve the texture and form I require, so progress may be slow but I hope you enjoy seeing it all come together. I have included a close of of the horn which still needs a little work.
Not a lot to see here yet but this pic gives you some idea of the size, the paper is A2 Mellotex as always, no title as yet but a few floating about in my head, more will be revealed as the drawing progress's
Cheeky Girls completed in approx 20 hours, drawn on Mellotex paper, finished image size is approx 14 x 10. already had this one mounted and its being included in the selection of drawings I'm submitting to the Nottingham Society of Artist, this is in the hope that I will be excepted as an affiliated member.
Well I didn't get very far working on this drawing at the exhibition, but it was great having so many people interested in the way I work and wanting to talk. So I picked up the pencils again today for a few hours, As you can see I've changed the title a little to The Cheeky Girls aka 'Mavis and Olive' these are the nick names for my wife and sister who are not only sisters in law but also the best of friends, and I suppose could be thought of as a couple of old birds! hope to have it finished by tomorrow. all comments welcome...
''Watching you Watching me'' took first place in the 40th Midlands Open Art Exhibition today, this is the first exhibition/competition that I have entered any of my work into, so you could say I have a 100% record. The exhibition was opened by Pollyanna Pickering the international award winning Wildlife Artist, and the prizes were presented by the Mayor of Erewash.
I started this work a couple of days ago, when completed it will show head studies of a two Emu's I discovered in someones back garden ( I kid you not) in Jersey last year... The idea for the layout of the drawing and the title came to me immediately, but I've only just got around to putting pencil to paper, as I have managed to secure a work area at a show I'm exhibiting at this weekend I hope to have these very near completion by tomorrow night ( famous last words)...
The first Sunset photograph was taken a few years ago from my bedroom window in France, The other two photo's were taken on the same beach in Jersey, and taken at approx the same time of the year but one year apart, these are all straight shots, no filters etc. Just thought I would share them with you. just wish I could paint them!!!
On the 12th and 13th of September the 40th Annual ''Art of the Midlands'' Open Art Competition and Exhibition, will be held in the Town Hall in Long Eaton. I have entered the 5 pieces shown here, this will be the first time I have publicly shown my work, there are awards given in many categories including one for The peoples choice, open to all visitors. I have a chance in at least 5 of these, though I am more interested in peoples reaction and comments on my work, so I know where I need to take it in the future. I will be hanging around the exhibition for most of the Saturday and Sunday the winners are announced at 3pm on Saturday, it would be great to see any friends and family that can find the time to pop in and see over 300 works of art on display.