Until the 16th of May I have an exhibition of my bird drawings at the local Library, had some great news today that Halcyon Sentinel sold! happy days....
Thought I would just show the start of a new drawing started tonight, it's of a brindle boxer dog my favourite pooch, having had three in the past. more to follow as I progress, be warned this may take some time to complete.........
Halcyon Sentinel completed this morning, the reed seemed to take longer than the bird! drawing size at the furthest points is 20 x 12 inches, drawn as always on Mellotex paper, hope you like him... he's off to the framers at the weekend so its ready in time for the exhibition on the 18th...
After approx 40 hours of drawing time ''Every last crumb'' is finished. the photo has come out with a lot more contrast than the drawing so apologies for that.. drawing size is approx 16 x 11 inches, and it has been drawn on Mellotex paper..... Thought I would show the original photograph taken about 2 years ago.